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Lightweight Mummy Halloween Decoration?My place of work has a door decorating contest every year. This year, my office is planning on entering. We are in need of suggestions on how to make a lightweight mummy, so that we can suspend it from the top of the door frame. Any idea of what materials we could use that would be lightweight and cheap?
Video Game Theme Party?My friend and I are throwing a Halloween party and it has a video game theme. We are trying to find blue overalls like the Mario Brothers wear. Do you know where I can get some?
Camelot Theme Costumes?I am looking for inexpensive costumes for ladies with a Camelot theme. Something to be used over a black turtleneck and black slacks. Maybe with a headpiece or a coat of arms theme. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Costume Ideas for Someone Who Loves Fantasy and Computer Games?I'm at my wits end. You see my brother can't decide what costume to wear for Halloween. We all have it figured out besides him and as the 31st is getting closer, it's giving us less time to get a costume together. If you have any ideas for a fantasy loving, computer gaming, 11 year old boy then I would be glad for the costume ideas!