
Frankenstein's Monster Project Costumes

The completed costumes for Dr. Frankenstein and his monster.
Come enter Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory, if you dare! Phoenix is dressed as Dr. Frankenstein, the mad scientist who has created this green monster. Gryphon is Frankenstein's monster. He is currently in two pieces, and the top half of him is waiting on the slab to be assembled together with his legs. When the monster on the slab is ready to arise, suddenly, to your surprise, he'll do the mash!

October 30, 2020

The completed costumes for Dr. Frankenstein and his monster.Come enter Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory, if you dare! Phoenix is dressed as Dr. Frankenstein, the mad scientist who has created this green monster. Gryphon is Frankenstein's monster. He is currently in two pieces, and the top half of him is waiting on the slab to be assembled together with his legs. When the monster on the slab is ready to arise, suddenly, to your surprise, he'll do the mash!

The Frankenstein's monster costume was created to have the illusion that he was in two parts that were not yet assembled. The dog is actually inside the slab box, so that only his top half is showing. The legs of the monster were made to hold themselves up and glued next to the dog on the slab.


Total Time: About a week

Yield: One Dr. Frankenstein and one Frankenstein's Monster costume

Source: The Frankenstein novel


  • Monster mask
  • Green paint
  • Plastic kids toy bolts
  • Silver spray paint
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Pet safe green makeup
  • Green suit jacket
  • Scraps of plaid fabric
  • Mini electrodes
  • Black shirt
  • Stuffing
  • Big green monster hands
  • Black pants
  • Silver buttons
  • Pool noodles
  • Batting
  • Posterboard
  • Foamboard
  • Green textured paint
  • Black boots
  • Stone pattern paper
  • White lab coat
  • Large black buttons
  • Black gloves
  • Crazy white wig
  • Goggles
  • Stethoscope
  • Plastic pliers


  1. The Frankenstein Monster Mask: We purchased a monster mask that completely covered the whole face. We started by cutting a hole in the middle of the mask big enough so that most of the dog's face would stick out. The mask was a dark olive color, so we painted it bright green. We also added bolts to the top and bottom of each side of the mask. The bolts were made from children's toy plastic bolts, which came in primary colors. We spray painted them silver and then glued them onto the mask with hot glue. When the dog wore the mask, we put pet safe green makeup onto his face, to add to the look.
  2. Painting the mask green.
    Attaching bolts to the neck of the mask.

  3. Frankenstein Monster Shirt and Jacket: We purchased a green suit jacket that would fit on the dog. To make the patches, we cut up scraps of plaid fabric into little squares, making them raggedy and uneven, and glued them here and there on the jacket. We also purchased some little electrodes and glued them on the jacket as well. We glued the end of the electrodes sticking up, so that they looked they were going into the monster. We paired this with a plain black shirt underneath.
  4. Frankenstein Monster's Arms and Hands: To give the arms their shape, we stuffed them tightly. We purchased big green monster hands, which we tied onto the end of the sleeves. We attached more of the same kind of bolts to one side of each wrist.
  5. Artificial hands and pliers.

  6. Frankenstein Monster's Legs: We used plain black pants for the bottom of Frankenstein. We decorated the pants with more of the patches and electrodes, also adding some silver buttons. To give the pants their shape, we created legs by cutting pool noodles and gluing them together on an angle, and then wrapping them with batting. For the torso area, we created a circular piece by cutting two circles out of foamboard, and then attaching a piece of posterboard in between the two. We then painted the top with green textured paint, and attached a few more of the bolts sticking out. We wanted it to look like those bolts would screw into the bottom of Frankenstein's chest. We also attached black boots to the bottom of the pants.
  7. Making a frame to fill out the fake legs.
    Making a frame to fill out the fake legs.
    The fake legs ready to be attached to the monster.

  8. The Slab: We needed to make a special slab box in which the dog could hide his body inside, and long enough to fit both the dog and the pants next to him. We cut two long pieces of foamboard for the front and back, and two shorter pieces for the sides, as well as a piece for the top. We left out the bottom so that the dog's paws would be on the ground. We also had to cut a hole into the top piece, just big enough that the dog could fit inside. We then covered all the pieces with stone pattern paper, and glued the box together. The legs were then glued onto one side of the box.
  9. The legs on a slab.
  10. Dr. Frankenstein's Outfit: We dressed the other dog in a more simple Dr. Frankenstein outfit. We got a white lab coat, and glued large black buttons along the front. We stuffed the arms and shoulders of the coat to give them shape. We also stuffed black gloves and attached them to the end of the sleeves. We completed the outfit with a crazy white wig, goggles, a stethoscope, and pliers he could use to attach the monster together.
  11. A dog dressed as Dr. Frankenstein.

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