
Game Ideas for a Church Halloween Party?

I am responsible for our Church Halloween party for children up to age 18 and I need ideas for games etc. We already have the food and snacks that we need. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!


missbabygrlblue from Columbus, IN

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
October 17, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Have a "swamp" set up with a person behind and inside the decoration. Make "fishing poles" out of twigs and string, with a big plastic "S" shower curtain hook on the end.
When the drop their "line", someone in the back hooks on a spider, skeleton, witch, or any one of the cool things you can get at the local dollar store.

I used to help out with my daughters Fall Carnival, and we let kids guess how many "eyeballs" there were in a jar (make of ping pong balls with magic marker to help make them real) and with slightly tinted red water inside.


That was fun.

You could make a "wheel of misfortune" that the kids could spin. Set the outside for the older, going inward to the little ones. For the older, movie coupons, gift cards or coupons for rides to the mall. For the middle, something age appropriate like coloring books and crayons, picture books. For the little ones, who doesn't love teddies! You can get them new at the dollar stores, or used for as little as .50 at the thrift shops.

October 1, 20180 found this helpful

What do you do with the teddys with a Halloween theme

October 15, 20080 found this helpful

When my son was young, I helped at the church's fall festival. Some of the games were very simple for the small children...pencils in a bale of hay, some sharpen, most not sharpened, if they selected a sharpened one, they received a prize.


That's the only one I can remember.

By DEBRA redbarn816 AT (Guest Post)
October 17, 20080 found this helpful

Have the children dress up as Bible Characters and for a fun game have the kids take turns drawing a picture at a time and allowing the others to guess what Bible story they are referring to such as NOAH...
Draw an Ark/elephant/bird with olive leaf etc. The list goes on. This sounds like a neat party for Halloween. May God bless!

By ginok (Guest Post)
October 17, 20080 found this helpful

We just came back from our church fall festival. They had a new game. Make a cross from 2x2 wood sticks (vertically about 6 feet and horizontally about 4 feet). attach strings to hang down that you tie mini donuts to. kids sit on bench and have to eat without their hands from the string. first one that finishes swallowing theirs wins.

By taz (Guest Post)
October 17, 20080 found this helpful

Passing the apple, from neck to next person. It a fun game, place the apple under your chin and turn to the next person in line, in which they have to remove the apple in the same manner. Just price less to see the looks on there face.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
October 17, 20080 found this helpful

We have particpated the last couple years with a local church doing the halloween party (the Sat b/4 the DAY).
Bean bag toss, clothes pin in the bucket, sticky ball to velcro, musical chairs, count the candy corn in the jar; Samples of candy bars cut and under glass. Had to name the candy and the closest one wins. Cutest costume for boy/girl, duck pond--- My granddaughter is 6 this year and the 2 year old can go--this year the library took it over (the pastor's wife is the librarian).


Outside before the party is TRUNK OR TREAT--people decorate their car trunks and hand out treats from it. They line up in the parking lot. People wear costume to do this.


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