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If you are looking for a spooky treat for your Halloween party, these brownies are perfect!
- 1 pkg. brownie mix, prepared according to pkg.
- chocolate-filled sandwich cookies
- stick pretzels
- large Tootsie Rolls
- chocolate graham crackers, crushed
- pumpkin-shaped candy corn, optional
- candy corn, optional
- Dots (to make pumpkins), optional
- frosting
- knife
- scissors
- Prepare brownies according to package directions.

- Once they are cool, frost them.

- Put stick pretzels all around the outer edge of the pan, creating a fence.

- Using a serrated knife, cut the sides off of the sandwich cookies.
NOTE: We made some that were more angled so that they didn't all look the same.
- Put the graham crackers into a baggie and seal it. Then using your hands, crush them into fine crumbs.

- Push the cookie headstones into the brownies to create the graveyard. At the base of each headstone, sprinkle some of the cookie crumbs to make the graves.
- If you want to make pumpkins out of Dots, sort out the colors you want to use. Using scissors, snip off pieces of a green one to create stems.
NOTE: We didn't have enough orange ones so we also used yellow and red ones.

- Stick the stems onto the Dots you selected.

- To make spooky trees out of the large Tootsie Rolls, use scissors to cut one end to create roots. Then spread them out so that the tree can stand up.

- Then snip little pieces up the trunk to create broken branches. If you find that the trees are too soft, stick them in the refrigerator for a few minutes to stiffen them up again.

- Place your trees around the graveyard.

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