I have a project that is fun for all ages and cheap! It starts off with all of my items purchased at the Dollar Store.
Total Time: 1 to 1 1/2 hrs.
- 4 scarves
- wire wreath form
- set of hanging bells
- black cat
- skeleton figure

- Take each of the 4 scarves and cut into 1 1/2 inch strips. Start cutting from the bottom.
- After cutting all, take your strips and cut those in half. This fills the wreath in making a more full look and using less material.

- Tie each strip, alternating colors as you go. I found it helpful to tie fabric around 2 of the rings of the wreath at the time.

- Add embellishments. The black cat was placed at the top.

- Add the Halloween bells, that came complete with ribbon.

- For a little spook, attach a skeleton.