I have a project that is fun for all ages and cheap! It starts off with all of my items purchased at the Dollar Store.
Total Time: 1 to 1 1/2 hrs.
- 4 scarves
- wire wreath form
- set of hanging bells
- black cat
- skeleton figure

- Take each of the 4 scarves and cut into 1 1/2 inch strips. Start cutting from the bottom.
- After cutting all, take your strips and cut those in half. This fills the wreath in making a more full look and using less material.

- Tie each strip, alternating colors as you go. I found it helpful to tie fabric around 2 of the rings of the wreath at the time.

- Add embellishments. The black cat was placed at the top.

- Add the Halloween bells, that came complete with ribbon.

- For a little spook, attach a skeleton.

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September 25, 20160 found this helpful
Very nice but cutting the strips in half didn't make it full enough like in your pictures. Using the longer strips ended up not being enough so I had to get more scarves.
That's ok though. It still ended up being a very cute wreath.
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