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This jack-o-lantern planter is a fun variation on an old tradition!
- 1 large pumpkin
- asst. succulents (hen and chicks)
- decorative grass
- potting soil
- pumpkin carving tools
- Clean off the pumpkin and select a side to carve.

- Using a pumpkin knife, cut a lid into the top. Remove the lid. Using a scrapper, remove any guts from the lid.
- Now scrape out the inside, removing the guts and seeds.

- Arrange the plants that you are going to use for the face. This will help you determine how big the openings will need to be for each part.

- Use a pencil to draw a face onto the pumpkin. I recommend using circles for the eyes and nose to best fit the plants.

- Cut out the face. Test fit the plants as you go, removing additional pumpkin to make them fit snugly in the openings.
- Once the face is finished, start putting the plants in. NOTE: For the mouth, I recommend putting the smaller plants into the corners first. Then fit in the larger plants at the center.
- Begin filling the pumpkin with soil, making sure to leave room for the grass.

- Put the grass into the pumpkin. Then add more soil around it if necessary, packing it into any voids with your fingers.
- Enjoy your finished jack--o-lantern planter inside or outside. If you want, you can use the lid as a hat! :)

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November 1, 20210 found this helpful
What do you do when the pumpkin starts to rot? Can you put the whole thing in a pot/planter? Thanks!
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