
Making Felt Mouse Ears

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November 2, 2015

No-Sew Felt Mouse EarsWe were in need of some last minute costumes this year. One of the ones I made were these no-sew mouse ears.



  • felt (grey and pink)
  • headband
  • hot glue gun
  • scissors
  • thin cardboard (for template)


  1. Create a template for the ears. I drew one ear and included 1/2 the length needed to go around the headband. Then cut out 2 ears on the fold.
  2. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
  3. Create a template for the inner ear and cut out 2 inner ears from pink felt. Glue an inner ear to each ear, as shown below.
  4. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
  5. Apply glue to the back of the each ear and fold in half. Be sure to not add glue to the center area, where the headband will slide through.
  6. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
    No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears

  7. Slide the ears onto the headband and apply glue if needed to hold ears in place.
  8. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
  9. Optional Sewn Mouse Ears: I also made a fancier sewn version. I cut out 2 ears from wool felt, following above instructions. Cut out 2 inner ears from fabric. Open up the ears and sew the inner ears onto the ears, using a zigzag stitch.
  10. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
  11. Fold the ears in half and pin together. Then sew around the outer edge and along the bottom to create a pocket for the headband.
  12. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
    No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears

  13. Insert the headband into the pockets of the ears. I used embroidery floss to tightly stitch the ears to the headband to hold them in place.
  14. No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
    No-Sew Felt Mouse Ears
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