This pizza is super easy to make for Halloween. I love the contrast of colours from the pizza, the web made from ranch dressing, and the spiders made of olives. Oh, and it's super yummy, too!
I poured my ranch into a condiment squeeze bottle to get finer lines for the spiderweb.
Total Time: 15 minutes
Awesome idea. Your spiders are so-o-o-o cute.
Thanks, Mina. They were delicious little buggers ;)
It was Thanksgiving Day here in Canada yesterday and my son and family hosted the turkey dinner.
I brought over several dishes to compliment the meal, including a platter of bbq roasted shepherd peppers drizzled lightly with olive oil and a hint of minced garlic.
I made a dozen spiders per your how-to and garnished the peppers with them. They were an absolute hit and the new name is "spider peppers". I think I've started yet another family trend in presentation.
Thanks for the idea.
I love that you made them, Mina! This makes me so so so so so happy! Glad it was a hit and keep it going with the presentation. I think it's soooo fun to be artistic with food presentation :)