
Making a Bowling Ball Costume

Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 453 Feedbacks
November 14, 2007

Woman dressed as a bowling ball.I just wanted to share my Halloween costume picture. I went to Walmart and got two standard size hula hoops and a box of 39 gallon lawn and leaf bags. A hula hoop fits right inside the lawn bag and then I taped all the edges to the back with black electrical tape. Do the same with the second hula hoop.


I cut out three circles from plain white paper and taped them to the front with packing tape, cut out the Brunswick letters and logo, along with the weight number in a circle. Then, I cut some strips from another lawn bag and taped those on for straps that I hung from my shoulders.

I wore a plain black shirt, black pants, and a plain black cap. Bowling pins from a children's bowling game completed my bowling ball costume. I love coming up with different things for Halloween each year. I found a similar "bowling ball" costume on the internet for $50, but I made my own and spent less than ten bucks!

By Stacey from Orem, UT

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September 16, 2010

I would like to make a bowling pin costume. I have found some online, but they are $39-$60! Can anyone help with some suggestions? Thanks!

By Jeanne from Tinley Park, IL


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 64 Tips
September 18, 20100 found this helpful

Get some foam rubber that is sold in upholstery stores-it is sold by the yard. Cut out the bowling pin shape-front and back and make like a sandwich board.


Paint as desired. Wear white sweat under it.

September 20, 20100 found this helpful

I saw in a magazine where a lady wore a black trash bag which was stuffed with something (don't remember what it was!), and she made herself look like a bowling ball. It was really cute. Good luck!

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