
Making a Dragon Pumpkin Decoration

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
October 13, 2019

Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - finished dragon from the frontI was able to create this fun dragon pumpkin using a green plastic pumpkin I bought last year for 90% off after Halloween sale.

This project cost me only .30 cents (pumpkin) plus materials I already had at home - cardstock paper, glue, googly eyes, beads, and tape. You can make fun animals/reptiles using a pumpkin as well!


Total Time: 30 minutes


  • pumpkin
  • cardstock
  • scissors
  • tape/glue
  • 2 beads
  • 2 googly eyes
  • 2 pom poms (green)
  • Sharpie pen
Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - supplies


  1. Fold the green cardstock paper. Cut on the folded edge and freehand cut a dragon wing.
  2. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - fold the green paper and cut a wing on the fold, freehand
  3. Using the same piece of green cardstock, cut a dragon tail then cut out small triangles as pictured.
  4. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - cut a tail from the same paper and cut out tiny triangles
    Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - finished tail
  5. Cut a rectangular piece of cardstock (same color). On one side cut triangles as pictured.
  6. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - cut a rectangle from the same paper and again cut out triangles

  7. Using yellow, orange, and red paper - freehand and cut out flames.
  8. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - cut flames from orange, red, and yellow paper
  9. Using green pom poms, apply glue and attach googly eyes. Repeat for both eyes.
  10. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - glue googly eyes onto the pom poms
  11. Glue eyes onto rolled dragon's face.
  12. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - glue the eyes onto the rolled rectangle face
  13. Glue on green beads to serve as the dragon's nose.
  14. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - glue on green beads for the nose

  15. Glue flames inside opening (dragon's mouth).
  16. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - glue the flames to the inside of the mouth
    Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - head finished
  17. Tape or glue dragon's tail on the back of the pumpkin.
  18. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - attach the tail to the back of the pumpkin with glue or tape
  19. Tape dragon wings onto pumpkin.
  20. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - tape on the wings
  21. Cut a piece of green cardstock as pictured, to create body of the dragon. Use a Sharpie and draw stripes. Tape onto pumpkin.
  22. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - body piece with horizontal lines drawn with a Sharpie
    Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - body piece attached to the front of the pumpkin

  23. Hot glue the head of your dragon into place. Now your dragon is ready to display!
  24. Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - closeup looking down on the finished dragon
    Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - looking down on finished dragon
    Dragon Pumpkin Decoration - all done


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
October 17, 20190 found this helpful

I love it!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
October 18, 20190 found this helpful

Thanks! We're in a dragon spirit this year :)


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 190 Posts
October 25, 20190 found this helpful

I love it, clearly you are having a dragon themed Halloween this year.

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