
Making a Halloween Yo Yo Tree

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October 18, 2014

Halloween Yo Yo TreeThese yo yo trees are a great way to use up scraps of fabric. Collect up your favorite Halloween fabric and decorate your house with these fun trees!



  • fabric
  • circle templates
  • scissors
  • thread
  • needle
  • wooden spool
  • dowel
  • shoe polish
  • hot glue
  • tape, optional


  1. Use a compass to create circle templates in the following sizes: 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm, 120mm, 130mm, 140mm, 150mm, 160mm, 170mm, 180mm, 190mm, 200mm, 210mm, and 220mm.
  2. templates
  3. Use the templates to make the yo yos. Make one of each size.
  4. trace templates 1
    cut out yo yos
  5. Make the yo yos. Click here for instructions: Making Fabric Yo Yos.
  6. sew yo yos 3
    make yo yo 2
    finished yo yo
    yo yos strung together
  7. Using shoe polish and a paper towel, stain the wooden spool. Then wipe off any excess polish with a clean paper towel.
  8. apply polish to spool 1
    stained spool

  9. Snip a small slit into the center of each yo yo, except for the smallest yo yo. The slit should be just big enough to push the dowel through.
  10. snip center of yo yo
  11. Put each yo yo onto the dowel.
  12. put yo yos onto dowel 2
    put yo yos onto dowel 5
  13. Then use hot glue to attach the smallest yo yo to the end of the dowel.
  14. apply glue to end of dowel
    adhere smallest yo yo
  15. Put the wooden spool onto the dowel and mark just below the spool. Cut off excess dowel.
  16. mark dowel
    cut mark on dowel
    cut dowel

  17. If necessary, wrap tape around the dowel until the spool fits snuggly. Apply a small amount of glue in the hole and push the spool onto the dowel. Enjoy your new Halloween decorations!
  18. wrap tape around dowel
    glue spool onto dowel

NOTE: To make smaller trees, just omit some of the largest yo yos.


February 8, 2018

Small fabric "yo yos" can be made from any scrap fabric and used for a variety of projects. Here they are combined to create a cute decorative Halloween tree. Learn how to make it in this short video.

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