
Making a Milk Jug Ghost

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
October 30, 2011

Finished milk jug ghost. Black eyes and black mouth painted on white milk jug.Here's a cute way to recycle your gallon milk jugs!

Approximate Time: About 20 minutes



  1. Use a black marker to draw your ghost face onto the milk jug.
  2. White one gallon milk jug with two round eyes and a mouth drawn on.
  3. Paint eyes and mouth with black acrylic paint and allow to dry.
  4. Paint highlights on eyes by dipping the paint brush handle end into white acrylic paint. Dot onto each eye.
  5. Highlights in eyes.
  6. On back lower portion of jug, draw a 2 1/2 to 3-inch diameter circle and cut out to create a hole.
  7. OUtline of hole in the side of a milk jug for a votive.
  8. Insert a battery-operated votive or mini-set of clear holiday lights through the hole so that your ghost lights up.

By Rachel's Mom from Wilkesboro, NC

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September 17, 2016

How do I make a ghost wind sock from a milk jug?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 27, 20170 found this helpful

I would empty the jug, then paint eyes on it and a mouth with black marker, and then affix a white fabric to the bottom of the jug so that it trails in the wind. Then you can attach the 'ghost' to your porch or whatnot to have a fun Halloween decoration

March 1, 20170 found this helpful

Thriftyfun has a whole guide about making them:

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