The magic of Halloween happens outside, at night; right? I made this easy decoration to go over the globe of the porch light. You can too for almost nothing! I love that it allows enough light for the wee ghouls to see, and everyone will "Ooooh" and "Aaaah" over your new, Halloween-creepy Spider Egg Sac!
Pour white glue into disposable plastic container.
Add a little water to the glue, just enough to make it spread easily.
Spread glue all over balloon, thickly, until covered.
Unroll gauze and start wrapping around balloon, making sure you criss-cross and overlap often.
Using clothespin, hang up sticky balloon where it will not be disturbed; let dry overnight.
Once COMPLETELY DRY, pop the balloon inside with your pin and throw balloon away.
Hot glue spiders all over the outside so they look like they are crawling out of the top of the egg sac (narrow end).
Use your scissors to cut off the narrow end, and make slits all around the perimeter of the narrow end so that it will open wide enough to fit over your porch light, yet still "grab" itself onto it.
Position over the glass globe of your outdoor light, turn on, and wait for the kids to come a-knocking!