
Mini Pumpkin Flashlight Lantern

October 30, 2006
A mini pumpkin on a flashlight.

Perfect for Tricker or Treating in the dark with young ones and a fantastic craft for the family to make. A illuminated that glows with its grinning face.


Materials needed:

  • mini flashlight
  • mini pumpkin
  • carving knife
  • Tape
  • Elmers glue
  • 1 inch wire

Approximate expense: $3.00 if you already have the knife and flashlight.


1. Hollow out the mini pumpkin like you would a big one by cutting out the top and scraping the insides out.

2. Cut in a jack o' lantern face.

3. Cut a hole in the bottom.

4. Now wrap the tape around the flashlight just under the light if you turn it on up at the top by the lense tape right under it. Wrap enough tape on so the flash light fits into the pumpkin snuggly.

5. Put the flashlight in and glue along the rim of the pumpkin inside and out so it attaches the pumpkin to the tape. the tape not only allows the pumpkin to fit on your flashlight but makes it so you can save the condition of your flashlight for later use.

6. Now poke two holes one on the pumpkin shell and one on the lid with the stem.

7. Insert the wire through the holes and connecting the two ends together so the lid won't fall off.


8. Wait until the glue drys and then you're done. Turn on your flashlight and watch your lantern glow.

By Gloria from Bryson Hesperia, CA

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