
Pumpkin Pendant from Wire and Hot Glue

Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers

The finished pumpkin pendant.Make this pumpkin pendant to complete your Halloween look. It is very simple, easy and inexpensive to make. This Halloween pumpkin pendant is suitable for making the necklace, bag pendant, keychain.


Total Time: 20 Minutes

Yield: Pendant about 1.5 inches



  1. Make a few turns of the wire as shown in the photo (with a diameter of 1.25 and 1.5 inches).
  2. Forming the wire into a pumpkin shape.
  3. Cut the wire, leaving an end 6-7 inches long. Bend the end of the wire twice around the wire turns on one side.
  4. Twisting the wire at the stem end.
  5. Bend the end of the wire around the wire turns on opposite side.
  6. The pumpkin with a long wire stem.
  7. Bend the end of the wire, forming a loop - stem, then forming another loop - leaf. Bend the end of the wire, forming a vine.
  8. Looping the wire to make a place to hang.

  9. Press the wire pumpkin right side down against the baking paper. Squeeze hot glue between the wire of pumpkin. Leave the glue to harden well and cool.
  10. Using hot glue on the pumpkin.
  11. Remove baking paper.

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