
Ring Pumpkin Using Plastic Canvas

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finished pumpkinBy using strips of plastic canvas and wrapping them with yarn, you can make this unique pumpkin, too!


Total Time: 2 hours

Yield: 1

Source: I have seen these made with jar rings and created my own spin.



  1. Cut your strips 4 holes wide and about 12" long. Wrap the yarn around them with a spot of glue at each end and perhaps 1 or 2 in the middle.
  2. Leave the last row of holes empty so you can use it to glue the end to the beginning. Having it not covered in yarn makes it easier to join.
  3. wrapping strip of plastic canvas with orange variegated yarn
    wrapped ring with pair of scissors
  4. Don't be impatient with the sealing of the circle. Give it at least a minute. And don't worry if it's ugly because no one will see it.
  5. As you can see, I had to use two different colors of yarn. I had 14 strips and the variegated was just enough to do 7 so that worked out great. Then I did the other in a solid orange a bit lighter. Now you could do it with orange and black, golds and orange, or any colors you wanted.
  6. Advertisement

  7. Gather your circles with some yarn, making sure that your two colors (if you have them) are staggered. Then gently tie them together and encircle the circles with your colored/decorative ribbon. Too tight or too loose and they won't work, so adjust it so it's just right. It's the Goldilocks Principle!
  8. finished rings strung on Halloween ribbon
  9. When you have separated them some, roll some of the decorated ribbon in a roll and glue it, then glue it down inside the top. I put some raffia in it to give it a curl affect.
  10. rings tied together
  11. If you don't have plastic canvas, you can do the same with cardboard, or old bangles.
  12. Advertisement

  13. N-JOY!!

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