
Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps

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October 1, 2020

Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - 3 wraps, one monster face, a bat, and perhaps a Frankenstein monsterHere's a good treat for Halloween Trick or Treat! Surprise your kids with this cute monster paper candy wrap designed covers for your candies and other goodies to share.



  • 4x4 sticky notes in assorted colors
  • glue / double sided tape
  • black and colored markers
  • scissors
  • white correction pen
Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - supplies


  1. Draw a monster face in the center of the sticky paper.
  2. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - draw a monster face in the center of the note
  3. Flip paper. Stick the sticky part on the the other edge of the paper.
  4. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - roll and stick the note together
    Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps
  5. Seal one side with glue.
  6. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - seal one end with glue
  7. I'm using a paper bill and folded it to smaller size to fit inside. Insert the bill inside the wrapper. Or you can put anything like candies.
  8. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - sliding paper money into the wrap

  9. Seal the open side.
  10. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - seal the open end with glue
  11. Cut tiny zigzags on the sides of the candy wrapper.
  12. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - cut tiny notches in the ends
  13. Hold both sides (top and bottom) and slightly press them in.
  14. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - squeeze the wrap between your fingers to puff up
  15. Make more designs of your choice.
  16. Trick or Treat Candy Surprise Paper Wraps - 3 finished wraps
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