Gryphon, the witch doctor, donned his creepy cloak with bands of leather. Gryphon, the witch doctor, wore a headpiece of bones and feathers. Then, Gryphon, the witch doctor, put Phoenix in a cauldron on the table. He told him, Ooo, ee, oo ah ah. Ting tang, walla walla bing bang!. This is what he said. He put a bone with braids through Phoenix's nose. And then he shrunk his head!
In these illusion costumes, we dressed our golden retrievers Gryphon and Phoenix as a witch doctor and a shrunken head. We made witch doctor Gryphon have arms and hands, and appear to be standing next to the shrunken head, pulling it up by the hair. Phoenix, the shrunken head, appears to be inside of a cauldron on a table decorated with skulls and bones.
Total Time: A few weeks
Yield: One witch doctor and one shrunken head costume