
Witch and Warlock Apothecary Potion Bottles

Witch and Warlock Apothecary  -Potion Bottles - witches' brew bottle
I use empty glass bottles that we use every day such as olive oil, salad dressing, liquor bottles, etc. I ask friends and family to save theirs as well. I use left over scraps of fabric, ribbon, yarn, acrylic paint, dollar store Halloween decor, and even things found in the yard.

October 23, 2020

Witch and Warlock Apothecary -Potion Bottles - witches' brew bottleI use empty glass bottles that we use every day such as olive oil, salad dressing, liquor bottles, etc. I ask friends and family to save theirs as well. I use left over scraps of fabric, ribbon, yarn, acrylic paint, dollar store Halloween decor, and even things found in the yard.

I made a mini witches's broom from twigs gathered in the yard! I use spray paint as a base so that part should be done by an adult in a well ventilated area. It's a fun activity for kids of all ages, but if using a glue gun it's best to have an older sibling or adult on hand to help out.


Total Time: 1-2 hours excluding painting

Yield: unlimited


  • 1 black spray paint
  • 1 clear spray paint or spray varnish
  • blank & coloured paper for labels
  • white glue or modge podge
  • scissors
  • glue gun (optional)
  • fabric scraps, yarn, glitter, beads, etc.
  • dollar store small Halloween decor
  • twigs, dried grass, dried leaves, stones, gravel, and sand
  • glass bottles and/or jars - the more unique the better!


  1. Soak bottles, remove any labels and glue residue and let dry completely.
  2. Spray on a light coat of black paint, follow directions on your chosen product. One or more coats may be needed depending on your preference. Allow to dry as per directions on container.
  3. Choose potion labels that fit and suit the bottle you are using. You can make your own using different colours and textures of paper or you can find some great ones on the internet. Some are free to print out for personal use and some can be found for sale. Always check with the website owner prior to printing something on their site if you are unsure the images are free for public use. White glue that dries clear thinned with water works well, but you can use modge podge or similar products found in craft stores if you prefer. Saturate the back and entire front of label so it dries flat. It will dry clear so don't worry about adding too much to get the label to stick completely flat. Smooth out creases as you go along.
  4. Witch and Warlock Apothecary Potion Bottles - bat blood bottle

  5. Attach ribbon, twine, plastic spiders, etc. using a glue gun. Craft wire or yarn can also be used to hang items on the handles of bottles or around corks and lids. Let your imagination guide you.
  6. Witch and Warlock Apothecary Potion Bottles - witches' wart remover potion bottle
  7. When your potion is complete and all the glue has dried, spray on a clear coat of paint or varnish to protect everything from the weather.
  8. Witch and Warlock Apothecary Potion Bottles - long necked poison bottle
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