
Making Maple Tree Seed Pod Bats

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September 28, 2012

finished batsI absolutely love "helicopter seeds", or generically known as maple tree seed pods. If you are lucky enough to know where to find some, why not make these adorable bats! My friend Heather made some and I just had to try it too. :)


Total Time: 1 hour


  • maple tree seed pods
  • black acrylic paint
  • paint brush
  • tiny googly eyes
  • clear school glue
maple tree seed pods


  1. If you want your bats to have tattered wings, use your finger nail (or small scissors) to carefully remove little bits of the "wings", along the edge.
  2. seed pod upclose
    removing edges of wings
  3. Using a paint brush, carefully paint both sides of the seed pod black. They are delicate, so be gentle. Allow to dry. Apply a second coat of paint, if necessary.
  4. painting seed pod
    painted bats 1
  5. Once dry, apply two small dots of glue to the middle of the pod. Adhere the googly eyes to it; allow to dry.
  6. attach googly eyes

  7. I chose to hot glue them to a haunted house my daughter made at school. After they were stuck, I used a pair of scissors to snip off the little stems at the top.
  8. glued to haunted house

There are so many ways to use these little bats. Use your imagination!

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October 1, 2012

This video shows you how to make bats out of seed pods also know as "helicopter seeds."

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