
Simmering Witches Pot Centerpiece


1 large plastic witches cauldron
1 or 2 bottles of the new Mountain Dew Black
1 pint orange sherbert


Set a paint can on the table and cover with black cloth. Sprinkle with silver glitter and plastic spiders. Put the cauldron on top of the can and fill with the Mt. Dew black. When serving add orange sherbet.


This looks sick but doesn't taste that bad. As the new Mt. Dew is grape.

By Debra in Colorado

Editor's Note: This recipe originally called for a small piece of dry ice to create a spooky couldron smoke, but that is probably not safe. Read the warnings below regarding dry ice.

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By Brooxie (Guest Post)
October 18, 20040 found this helpful

A word of caution. When my girls were young, I did the same thing, placing dry ice directly into the beverage for Halloween parties. They lived to tell about it, but I have since heard that dry ice is not to be ingested.

By Juanita (Guest Post)
October 18, 20040 found this helpful

I always thought dry ice was not healthy for human consumption... please clarify.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
October 18, 20040 found this helpful

I think you are right, with any recipe you need to make sure that the dry ice is not ingested and does not come into contact with the skin.

Dry Ice has some dangers. It's colder than -79° C. Don't touch it with your bare hands! (Use oven mitts.) Don't eat it! Don't try to chip or break it--shards could hit your eye. Also use care when evaporating large quantities of Dry Ice. CO2 is heavier than air and will pile up near the ground, so if you have any babies or pets crawling around down there, they'll suffocate.


Don't put small pieces of Dry Ice into a plastic soda bottle half full of water, then put the cap on the soda bottle and wait several seconds or minutes until it explodes. Especially in Utah, where this activity is a felony.

In any case, although it will make some fun fog come off your punch, depending on the party goers, it might be best to do without it.

September 12, 20190 found this helpful

Sounds interesting....what does it look like?


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
September 13, 20190 found this helpful

This was posted in 2004, before we had the ability to accept photos on the website. Hopefully, someone will make it and add a photo.


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