
Homemade Halloween Costume Showcase Video

We put together this video of many of the great costumes which ThriftyFun community members have created and shared with us over the years. It's amazing seeing all the creativity which goes into these costumes.

Please "Like" or "Send" the video to your friends and family using the links above, espcially if your costume is featured.

If you are creating a costume this year be sure to look into our Halloween costume contest. For more information about the contest, visit the link below.

Our resident maestro Viet put together the beautiful music loosely based on Bach's Toccata und Fuge in D Minor and Stella selected the costumes and put together the video itself.


This video is part of the following guide which includes step-by-step instructions and other tips.

September 19, 2012

This is a page about homemade Halloween costume ideas. Making your own Halloween costumes is not only thrifty, but it also can result in a truly unique costume.

A box of popcorn Halloween costume.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 254 Posts
September 30, 20110 found this helpful

Thank you to everyone who has shared your costumes!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
September 30, 20110 found this helpful

This is so great, I remember most of these costumes from years past. Can't wait to see what people share this year!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 690 Feedbacks
October 1, 20110 found this helpful

What a"Treat" this was. Thank you for sharing.
I can't imagine a day with out my Thrifty Fun. : ) .


October 2, 20110 found this helpful

These were so awesome!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 278 Feedbacks
October 3, 20110 found this helpful

Especially great with the music. Had to watch it twice. :-p


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
October 3, 20110 found this helpful

I enjoyed this very much! There were so many clever costumes, and the music was perfect! I watched it once, then watched it again on YouTube & saved it to my Favorites list.


I'm looking forward to this year's collection.


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