
Movie Theater Floor Costume


  • assorted movie theater size boxes of candy (WalMart has them for $1 ea.)
  • 1 large plastic drink cup from a fast food restaurant w/straw

  • bubble gum
  • other hard candy and wrappers


Cut the glass down the middle and hot glue upside down to shirt sleeve between elbow and wrist. Cover and all and add a straw to each "cup." I also glued glass "rocks" falling out of the cup for "ice".

Glue open empty candy boxes to shirt (front and back) and glue candy spilling from them too. I also mashed some of the candy before gluing it on.

Chew some of the gum and then glue to shirt. Pop some popcorn and add that also.

I made 2 construction paper ticket stubs and turned them into earrings. The top to this was a headband I bought for $1 and glued candy, paper, etc. to it.

I wish I had a pic of this as it is hard to describe everything, but I don't. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

I wore the sweatshirt, a pair of black pants and came home with a cute little prize for my efforts! I love Halloween!


Source: Got the basic idea from a friend who read about it online. I added my own touches to it.

By Chris

December 16, 20090 found this helpful

Such a cute and unique idea!


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