Super-easy, cheap, and fun for your preschooler on up!
Approximate Time: 5-10 minutes
- dark colored construction paper
- white rice
- white glue
- Have your child draw one vertical and one horizontal line with the glue, intersecting at ninety-degree angles so that the paper is dissected into equal quadrants.
- Now have them draw two diagonally-intersecting lines with the glue, so that there is an asterisk on the paper.
- Have your child draw three lines across each triangle-shaped section, forming a rudimentary spiderweb with the glue on the paper.
- When you are done, sprinkle the white rice all over the paper, wait for a few minutes to let it settle into the glue.
- Shake excess rice gently off, and let dry overnight.
- Proudly display this Halloween craft on your refrigerator or front door for the Trick-or-Treaters to enjoy!
By Brianna Southworth from Dutch Harbor, AK

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October 27, 20100 found this helpful
Cute! I like the "fuzzy" look to the web!

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 135 Feedbacks October 28, 20100 found this helpful
That is so cute. I think the blue paper gave me the idea of making a snowflake for winter.
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