A door or wall decoration made from ice cream sticks.
Approximate Time 1 hour
- ice cream or Popsicle sticks
- hot glue and glue gun
- acrylic paints
- ribbon
- Take three ice cream sticks and glue them together side by side. Make three of these.
- Take another ice cream stick and cut the stems for the pumpkins. You can make them as long or as short as you want.
- Take 2 sticks and overlap long ways and glue, make 2 of these.
- Now you can paint them the way you want. Let dry.
- Glue the pumpkins on the 2 overlapping sticks as in picture.
- Tie on the ribbon to hang it up.
By Sandy from Bluff City, TN

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts October 29, 20070 found this helpful
you have some of the most creative and beautiful crafts. I always look forward to sseing what you will do next

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