
Costume Ideas for Egyptian Themed Vacation Bible School?

Our VBS this year is Egyptian themed. Has anyone any ideas for making my costume for that period? Dress, headdress, etc. We can order from VBS supplier, but thought something more original would be fun!


By Linda from Ashdown, AR

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June 11, 20100 found this helpful

You can buy jewelry with your name spelled out in Egyptian letters/symbols.

Try to find that list of letters/symbols and then each child can have their Egyptian name. Then they can paint a picture of it; score it into clay and then have it fired - you'll probably find a local master of clay in your area that would do it for next to nothing, plus it would be fun for all the kids to see a kiln and how it works.

Take some of that huge brown paper and have each child draw and color a picture of themselves. 'Walking sideways', dressed in whatever costume you can research. With plenty of chariots, etc.


I don't know how old they are, but maybe serving a simple, but typical Egyptian meal would be fun. I don't know if cous cous is one of them, but you can buy that in any grocery store. Have the children research how a normal family would eat, with your help.

Have them make tiny coffins (cartouches - SP?) out of paper mache and pain in bright colors, metallic colors and then you buy the 'gems' beads, etc from the jewelry making center at a craft shop.

Research clothing from that period - wasn't most of it linen? Use muslin, cheap, and make the costumes. You can use liquid sew instead of actually sewing the fabric. Don't forget the jewels!

Go to a professional costume rental place and find costumes. Use your cell phone camera to take pictures of them. Go with two people if you can; one to hold up the costume and the other to take the pictures.


You can also research what the typical diet was during that time. Probably dates, among other things. bring in some dates for them to try. But first research, briefly, palm trees.

Having never been to VBS I applaud you and your Church for being open minded to explore Egypt, while yet spoken of in the Bible, were not too friendly to the Jewish people.

June 16, 20100 found this helpful

White pillowcase with holes cut for neck and arms. Nice chain, rope or beads for a belt. Make a circle out of cardboard whose diameter is the width of the child's shoulders. Cut out a hole for the neck and a slit in the back so you can get it on.


Decorate the cardboard to look like the large beaded collars pharaohs wore. Make a snake head crown from a gallon bleach bottle (fit my kids head perfectly!) Use lots of eye makeup.


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